Social Media
There are a variety of social media outlets for parents to connect to other WISNAPA families, as well as other USNA groups. (Note that we do not pretend to be cool enough to know where our mids are connecting, but lately it has been somewhere on Instagram.) Here are a few the media sites that we have found useful. Please note that only information from official USNA sources should be considered 100% reliable.
- Wisconsin Naval Academy Parent Association – WISNAPA – Our association’s Facebook group. All WISNAPA members can request to join.
- U.S. Naval Academy Parent Community – The official parent page from USNA
- U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association & Foundation – The official page of U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association & Foundation.
- U.S. Naval Academy – The official USNA page.
- USNA BLB <class year> Parents – Each USNA class generally has a Blind Leading the Blind (BLB) group, where only parents from that class year are allowed. The name of the group depends on your mid’s class year; e.g., the more recent groups are “USNA 2023 BLB Parents” and “USNA BLB 2024”. While information is sometimes sparse (hence the BLB moniker), the idea is that it is a safe place to learn about the military, USNA and bond with other parents from your mid’s class year.
- USNA Plebe/Youngster Parents – Traditionally, the 3/C mids mentor the 4/C’s. This is a Facebook parent equivalent.
- USNA MID MOMS!!! (and DADS!) – Parents of any midshipmen. A good place to get gouge (i.e., reliable info) from other parents who have been around a while.
- USNavalAcademy – Official USNA account
- USNA Commandant – Official account of the Commandant of Midshipmen. Includes messages to the Brigade from the Commandant (which can be useful, if you are having a hard time getting info from your mid).
- USNAalumni – Official account of U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association & Foundation
- Service Academy Forums – An anonymous message board site with some good gouge.